7 Characteristics of the Ideal Strategic Coordinator

7 Characteristics of the Ideal Strategic Coordinator
CC image courtesy of Joshua Earle available here.

In the realm of global mission, a strategic coordinator is a person who is given responsibility and is accountable for designing and implementing strategies to initiate and nurture church-planting or disciple making movements among a specific people group or population segment.

We have often pointed out that there are 1000 churches for every 1 unreached people group in the world. The global Church has the resources available to touch every people group on the earth with the Gospel yet we need a focus on new distribution in order to address many unevangelized and underevangenized population segments.

A strategy coordinator works to bring this new distribution about by helping to focus Great Commission Christians and their resources on the task of evangelizing an unreached population segment.

Below are just 7 characteristics of the ideal strategic coordinator (SC):


The SC needs to be able to see what God desires for a people, no matter how beyond comprehension the need may seem at the present.


The SC needs to be able to coordinate the people and tools in the most effective way possible in order to bring about a specific end vision.


The SC needs to ensure that every action taken is aimed toward the intended outcome of initiating a viable indigenous reproducing disciple making movement which will saturate his people group with the gospel.


The SC needs to concentrate efforts on his specific people group or cluster or people groups so that his efforts are not overly dispersed.


The SC needs to concentrate on what is essential to seeing the end vision come to pass and let go of extraneous or even good things when necessary.


The SC needs to keep up with what is happening with the world, his adopted people, and network the people and resources available for the work. Failure to remain a humble learner is a sure way to fail.


The SC needs to be filled with Holy Spirit zeal and wisdom because members of his adopted people group are without hope and stuck in religious systems that keep them from Good News of Jesus.

What about you?

We are building out a new way to look at the role of strategic coordinator through a new initiative called PRIME. Could you have what it takes to be a part of a new PRIME team?

Click here to learn more about how you can connect.

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