5 Principles of Church Planting From Acts Part II

5 Principles of Church Planting From Acts Part II
CC image courtesy of Josh Felise available here.

Gathering The Ekklesia

The early church were gathered together around their natural families and affinities. They were the "ekklesia" or "called out ones" who were brought together as members of the Body of Christ (Acts 2:41-47). They gathered with the purpose of growing in loving obedience to Jesus (Acts 2:42, 6:7), doing life in support of one another (Acts 2:42, 1:14, 2:1,46, 5:12, 4:32-37), for corporate prayer (3:1, 4:23-31, 16:6), and meeting practical needs through sacrificial giving (Acts 2:44-45, 4:32-37). They especially looked after windows, orphans, and the poor (Acts 6:2, 9:36) and showed hospitality (Acts 16:15).

Their major aim was sharing the Good News about Jesus and bringing others into the path of following him as Lord through grace filled loving obedience (Acts 1:8, 2:47, 6:8-10, 11:19-21, 13:2-4, 19:10). They met wherever and whenever they could meet (Acts 2:46, 5:42, 8:3, 19:9).

Giving Immediate Testimony

The early apostles and leaders helped new believers to share the testimony of Jesus and their own stories of transformation right away as they worked through their natural family and relational lines wherever they went (Acts 6:8-10, 11:19-26, 13:2-4, 8:5-40, 9:25). Ministry was not seen as only the duty of a few religious specialists but of every believer in Jesus Christ. Sharing with others was seen as a normal part of following Jesus as his disciple.

Appointing Local Leaders

The early apostles prayed for leaders and commended them to the Lord (Acts 14:23,26, 20:32-36, 6:6). They laid their hands upon them and prayed, many times with fasting, in order to set them apart for leadership. (Acts 13:2-3, 6:6, 14:23, 15:40). They leaders were chosen because of their good character, wisdom, faith, and because they were filled with the Holy Spirit. This was evidence by the fruit of the Spirit in their lives primarily and secondarily through Spiritual giftings (Acts 6:3-6,10, 11:24, 16:2, 20:26,33-35).

Planting New Groups

Disciples were taught to make disciples who made disciples. They were taught how to form simple groups of obedient followers of Jesus who could also form groups of the same. Their vision was to be local, regional, cross cultural, and global! (Acts 1:8, 8:1,4-5, 9:20,25, 11:19-21, 13:1-4, 19:10) This work was led by those many considered ordinary and uneducated (Acts 4:13, Acts 6:8-10, 8:1,4-5,26-40, 9:20,25, 11:19-21, 19:10). As leaders traveled they would take others with them into new areas (Acts 16:1-3, 19:22, 20:5). There were key leaders whose calling was to travel beyond their hometown and into new areas for the sake of the Gospel's advance (Acts 9:32, 13:1-4, 15:36, 19:10).

Preparing for Persecution

Since persecution was a part of the life of most early believers, leaders had to prepare them for the inevitable tests that would come as a result of their new faith in Jesus. (Acts 4:3). Believers continued to share the Good News of Jesus (Acts 4:1-22, 31, 14:3) despite the cost, the prayed and asked God for help (Acts 4:1-22, 12:5,12, 16:25), rejoiced and counted it as an honor to suffer (Acts 5:41, 16:25), loved and forgave their persecutors (Acts 7:60). Some died for their faith (Acts 7:57-8:1, 12:2) and others had to deal with criticism from other fellow believers (Acts 11:2-3).

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