J is for JUSTICE

J is for JUSTICE

J is for JUSTICE

J is for JUSTICE

God is in the business of Justice. "In faithfulness, he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged until he establishes justice on earth." Isaiah 42:3-4

The greatest Injustice is that there are 7,000+ peoples who still do not have access the gospel.

The earth today is in desperate need for justice. Humanity longs for the wrongs of this world to be made right. Racial conflict and division is widespread in America. Refugees are fleeing from impoverished conditions in Iraq and Syria. But the greatest injustice is that there are almost 3 billion people on earth who do not have access to the gospel! We must cry out for justice. But our cry for justice must become a cry for Jesus.

God has revealed that the remedy for every injustice and every wrong is found in Jesus Christ. Jesus the Messiah was anointed by the Spirit of God to bring forth justice to every people and every nation. Our hope for restoration is to put our hope in Christ.

"Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him: He will bring forth justice to the gentiles." (Isaiah 42:1)

God is calling us to behold, to look to the Lord. As the people of God we must set our eyes on Jesus. Our response to injustice is to become a people of prayer. We must come to Jesus with every injustice that we carry in our hearts.

Our hearts burn with passion for the unreached. Our hearts burn with desire for justice to come to every nation and people. Today take that passion and turn to God in prayer. Let us lift our eyes to Heaven and pray: "Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven!"

Ben Zobrist
Director, Adoration 1:11
Pasadena International House of Prayer

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