Ralph D. Winter Lectureship 2023
Beyond Contextualization: Crossing Religious and Cultural Boundaries
The Ralph D. Winter Memorial Lectureship will be held March 23-25, 2023 and is a hybrid event that may be attended virtually or in-person. This lectureship will introduce discussion of inreligionization by Dr. Kang-San Tan. Dr. Tan was born in a Buddhist family and is well known for his work in the dynamics of Buddhist-Christian interaction, out of which he calls for a move beyond contextualization to the inreligionization of the gospel. Dr. Harold Netland of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School will also present on the theme of interreligious encounter, a topic on which he has written and edited numerous works. Dr. Darren Duerksen will also present some of his research on inter-religious witness, ecclesiology, and issues regarding Christian witness from his latest book, Christ-Followers in Other Religions. Two other speakers will discuss gospel engagements in Hindu and Muslim contexts with reference to their personal and professional lives.
Register now via this link! https://rdwlectures2023.eventbrite.com
Registrants will have access to the lectureship recordings within two weeks of the lectureship's end. Registrants will also be able to interact with speakers and other attendees via Slack during and after the lectureship.