Unusual Year, Extraordinary Partnership
2020 has been a time of unprecedented change and crisis. I am grateful for your engagement with the frontier mission movement. Whether you have connected through Mission Frontiers, Global Prayer Digest, Perspectives, Joshua Project, or through other ministries of Frontier Ventures, your interest, prayers, and in many cases, practical actions have served to further the Kingdom. I say that with tremendous gratitude. No one has been left untouched by the global events of 2020 and I know that many of you may also be struggling in various ways. Please know that as a community we are committed to praying for you and for your families.
Frontier Ventures' passion since our inception has been the vision to see Kingdom breakthrough among the least reached peoples of the earth. For over 40 years we have remained steadfast in this mission and continued to strategically adjust our means to the circumstances. This year of global pandemic was no different. We adjusted (and are adjusting) in order to actively engage in mobilizing the body of Christ and serving leaders of new movements on the ground around the globe.
We are grateful that by the Lord's grace 2020 has been marked by:
New movements to Jesus emerging within 5 of the largest frontier people groups.
Practical innovative solutions in the midst of COVID through ministries like the Winter Launch Lab, which aided organizations and frontier movement leaders by facilitating solution-based consultation for troubleshooting the complexities of the Pandemic.
Continued Mobilization through Perspectives USA, Perspectives Global, and our NextGen gatherings. These leaders pressed through the challenges of the Pandemic by making quick pivots in order that 2020 mobilization efforts could continue with little interruption.
Strategic Prayer, as Joshua Project and the Global Prayer Digest continued to faithfully supply the missions movement with insight for intercession on a daily and monthly basis. As a staff, we have continued to gather virtually for prayer throughout each week of the pandemic.
Generous Giving to frontier places deeply affected by the pandemic. Although our staff and organizational finances has been negatively affected, like so many others, we understand there are communities in more dire circumstances than our own. Because of this, we rearranged our budget, made some cuts, took a leap of faith, and sent $50,000 to assist 6 small "frontline projects" among some of the world's most vulnerable people. This included food programs in Manila, and provision of clean water and sanitization supplies in Somalia.
2020 may have changed the means, but it could never change the mission to see Kingdom Breakthrough among the least reached of the earth. At the end of this unusual year, would you consider an extraordinary level of partnership? You can do that by choosing to partner in three ways:
By giving a special gift to one of our support raised staff
By giving to the Frontier Ventures General Fund
You could do both!
This is an opportunity to partner with us monthly or in a special year end gift to further the work we do.
Thank you!
Kevin Higgins
General Director, Frontier Ventures