X is for XIANDAO

X is for XIANDAO

X is for XIANDAO

The Xiandao people of China are a story of hope. They are a story of victory and breakthrough. Once unreached, now they are filled with an outpouring of the good news. May all peoples be as the Xiandao.

We mourn the spiritual drought more than 7,000 people groups endure today. We long for God's outpouring of revelation and grace to fall like rain from the heavens.

Indeed, our longing for breakthrough comes from our own experience of God's overwhelming love. John writes, "We declare to you what we have seen and heard so that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. We are writing these things so that our joy may be complete" (1 John 1:3-4, NRSV).

God's generosity unleashes the soul, enabling it to love others, and to long for others to find rest and satisfaction. Awareness of the potential for wholeness often begets sorrow for ones experiencing brokenness.

Amid the mourning and longing is hope. We look forward to the fellowship we will have around the throne—peoples from every corner of our world, those God formed for His glory. This hope is one that God has vowed to fulfill and has demonstrated, even in our day.

Not long ago, the Xiandao people were unreached. Like many peoples, they were estranged from the life-giving grace of God.

But the good news of mercy and forgiveness flooded the Xiandao, dispelling darkness, shattering obstacles, and compelling hearts through love. One of the first believers, the village leader's wife, believed in 1976. Today, almost all Xiandao are followers of Jesus. They have a church life and are pastored by one of their own. We rejoice and marvel at what God has done!

Accounts of God's victories are constant sources of encouragement. It is easy to miss the works of God and to forget the spiritual power of the Gospel. But the Spirit of God is at work in every corner of the world, fulfilling God's mission.

As we pray for and labor towards transformation among thousands of unreached peoples, we do so in view of God's track record. He is faithful to do it. Let us not miss the opportunities to rejoice as more peoples are welcomed into His family.

On that day, the Xiandao will take their place in the great assembly of the beloved. We can have confidence that every nation will likewise stand in fellowship. This hope is the wind in our sail.

(Read more about the Xiandao at joshuaproject.net)

Mbamba Bongoyok works for the Perspectives Study Program, a ministry of Frontier Ventures.

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