Support the ministry of James & Sonya Witherspoon

James & Sonya Witherspoon

Perspectives Southwest Regional Director

Jim has served at Frontier Ventures (U.S. Center for World Mission) since 1994. Sonya joined staff when she married Jim in 1997.

Jim serves as the Perspectives Southwest Regional Director. His major goal is to contribute to the Kingdom work of God by serving the body of Christ in providing understanding of the World Christian Movement; primarily, by means of a credit-bearing course to facilitate effective participation in the establishing of a viable church movement in every people group. Jim oversees the coordinating of all sanctioned Perspectives classes in the Southwest in the areas of Speaker Approvals, Course Outlines, Budgeting and Finances, Promotion, Grading, Credit-bearing Arrangements with approved schools, and Course Management. He serves in all these areas with the purpose of bringing more intelligent and better prepared Christian workers into the mobilization movement.

Perspectives Project Manager

Sonya works on project management. She is on a property task force and involved in women's ministry. Sonya is also on the board of Judson International School, which is on the campus. Their three kids (ranging in age from 15 to 20) and are in school, working, and are actively involved in youth groups.

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