God is Moving in Germany

God is Moving in Germany
God is Moving in Germany

Frontier Ventures recently sent a team to minister to refugees in Germany for two weeks. Below are a few reflections from our time there. Names have been changed for security reasons.

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A-Z Series Recap

A-Z Series Recap
A-Z Series Recap

Thank you for following along with us as we released the A-Z of Frontier Mission. Here is a recap of the whole series for you to review and share with others.

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Y is for YES

Y is for YES
Y is for YES

Y is for YES. We long to see God's 'yes' and our 'yes' together--gloriously evident throughout all the families of the earth. (Habbakuk 2:14)

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X is for XIANDAO

X is for XIANDAO
X is for XIANDAO

X is for XIANDAO. The Xiandao people of China are a story of hope. They are a story of victory and breakthrough. Once unreached, now they are filled with an outpouring of the good news. May all peoples be as the Xiandao.

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