Support the ministry of Darrell & Linda

Darrell & Linda Dorr

Darrell and Linda Dorr have served with Frontier Ventures since 1980, the year they were married. (Linda is the third daughter of Ralph and Roberta Winter, the founders of Frontier Ventures, formerly the U.S. Center for World Mission.) Darrell and Linda are the parents of three young adults and the amused grandparents of 10 energetic grandchildren. The Dorrs live in Lynnwood, Washington, a northern suburb of Seattle.

Linda serves in the Ministry Accounts department, mostly in financial roles helping members determine what they should raise in financial support, dealing with expense reimbursements, and in other areas of financial consulting for members.

Darrell is an editor and writer, with experience in publications as diverse as Mission Frontiers magazine, the International Journal of Frontier Missiology, the Operation World prayer handbook, the Atlas of Global Christianity, and the third edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia. He currently serves Frontier Ventures as Communication Coordinator, in which he facilitates internal and external communication.

Linda's contact information: [email protected], (626) 676-6226
Darrell's contact information: [email protected], (626) 399-1621

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