Support the ministry of Logan M

Logan Middlebrooks

As Organizational Partnerships Manager, Logan helps to facilitate the growth in Perspective's network of partnered organizations.

Since very early in his life, Logan can remember having two primary goals:

1. To be friends with everyone

2. To be someone worth remembering

Though he still battles a desire to stand out, God continues to sanctify Logan through Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and lessons like those taught in Perspectives. All of these help him to daily understand the weight and value of building upon God's legacy rather than his own.

Logan is currently raising support for his role as the Organizational Partnership Manager for Perspectives USA. His role can be broken down into four primary functions.

1. Networking

  • Developing strategy for organizational partnerships throughout Perspectives

2. Communications

  • Promoting and sharing about our partnered organizations

3. Training

  • Training for Regional Directors and Coordinators in establishing local partnerships with churches and organizations

4. Perspectives Next Steps Network

  • Hosting, planning, and facilitating events related to PNSN
  • Moderating for the PNSN on it's various platforms.

Recognizing Perspectives as the tool that it has been and now could be for God's greater mission to all people, he is excited to be playing a small part in expanding Perspective's use and usefulness for the Church.

Logan and his family currently live in Birmingham, AL where he is a member of Iron City Church.

His amazing wife, Lauren, has been a human resource specialist for one of Perspective's partner organizations, Launch Global, since their marriage in September of 2016. She continues to work part-time in the same role and takes care of their two children Sparrow (2) and Solomon (6mo). A majority of their current free time is spent laughing at their little goofballs. He prays daily that they will both soon come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

When Logan and Lauren are not serving with Perspectives or Launch Global, you can catch them reading book after book to Sparrow, dancing to some funky jazz, obsessing over the latest personality assessment, playing Nintendo or board games all night with friends and really anything and everything to gather a group of people together.

Also, Logan is an avid podcast junkie. Ask him his latest, he'll gladly give you a full list of recommendations.

Heroes: Jesus (Shoutout to Sunday School), Billy Graham, Jim Elliott, Ralph Winter, and Logan's dad, Chad Middlebrooks

We'll keep you up to date.