2nd Half Collaborative

The 2nd Half Collaborative (2HC) is a 10-month online, cohort-based journey for mission workers with significant mission experience.

Our destination? Spiritual depth as beloved sons and daughters of God, discernment of life contributions, and friendship for second half of life flourishing and fruitfulness. Our distinctives are a commitment to safe and honest sharing, monthly rhythms of learning, retreats, spiritual direction, coaching, and formation through regular spiritual practices. Subscribe here to our blog – a collection of articles and reflections by numerous contributors that focus on the themes and wrestlings of mission workers in the 2nd half of life.

2HC was initially shaped by four mission workers with many years of collective cross-cultural experience. They have navigated the numerous joys and challenges of living on mission among the unreached. Joining together as friends on the road, they have supported each other to embrace their belovedness and keep discerning and living into their life callings.

We launched our third 2HC cohort at the end of August 2023 with our first in-person retreat at a beautiful, serene retreat center near Chicago, USA. We enjoyed beauty, silence, contemplative practices, sharing of life journeys and new learnings. Over ten months we are supporting one another toward rich communion with God, authentic community, and sustainable mission.

We invite you to visit 2nd Half Collaborative to learn more.

We'll keep you up to date.